The idea of including wildlife-preferred plants in your landscaping is becoming more popular, as people recognize the importance of providing a natural habitat for wild animals.
The following post will discuss some of the benefits of using animal-friendly plants in your landscaping and provide a list of common species available to purchase at most nurseries.
Landscaping with wildlife-preferred trees and shrubs is a great way to provide habitat for local fauna, but it’s important to know what you’re doing, so Go Now to check them out! There are many different reasons that people prefer native plants over exotic ones.
Some of these include:
1) they don’t need fertilizers or pesticides;
2) they attract more birds and other pollinators;
3) they can help mitigate drought conditions;
4) they make better neighbors because their roots aren’t as invasive (or smelly);
5) some native plants also have medicinal properties.
For example, tall grasses may appeal to deer more than shorter vegetation. Another important consideration is the location of your yard in regards to surrounding land uses.
Landscaping with Wildlife-Preferred Trees & Shrubs
Many people recommend against planting trees and shrubs on property lines because it can make for a less appealing environment if neighbors are not looking out for natural wildlife as well.
By taking these factors into account before landscaping with preferred species, you will leave yourself with fewer issues over time no matter who lives near or what type of animals use the area around your home.
– Tall grasses may be some animals’ preference when choosing where to live
– Consider the location of your yard relative to other properties
– Keep this possibility in mind during the planning stages by avoiding placing any plants close
– Place taller plants away from property lines
– This ensures you have a natural-looking yard and reduces the possibility of border disputes with neighbors.
– If possible, plant trees up to 30 feet in height on your property line only if they are not too close together. Do not place them closer than five feet apart for this purpose.
– Provide food for wildlife – Many Wildlife-Preferred Trees & Shrubs produce nuts, berries, fruits, or flowers that are eaten by a variety of birds, mammals, and insects.
– Serve as cover for wildlife – Tall trees with thick canopies offer great cover from predators and the elements. Woody shrubs also provide excellent shelter for animals while they browse or rest.
– Offer nesting sites for wildlife – Birds rely on tree cavities and other features in trees to build
When landscaping with Wildlife-Preferred Trees & Shrubs, make sure to use natives whenever possible.